Happy Monday everyone! Well, maybe not so happy for many of us in Toronto, who had some back-breaking damp snow to shovel this morning. But hey, there’s nothing like a big snowfall to get us into the holiday spirit, so this week, our links are all about doing good and feeling good. And ridiculous $85 rocks wrapped in leather. Read on for more!
- Free App & Chrome Extension “DoneGood” Tells You Ethical Places To Shop
- Launched on November 28th, DoneGood is a new app on Android & iOS that helps you find ethical and sustainable places to shop online. The app (and Chrome extension) gives preference to green businesses and those that employ ethical practices in the workplace (i.e. no sweatshops). You also receive a discount with those business that partner with DoneGood.
- Stop Donating Canned Goods to Food Drives: Your Corned Mutton Castoffs Are Only Making Things Worse
- Every year, especially during the holiday season, we make it a point to donate to our local food banks. Like most people, that donation typically consists of non-perishable food items, the majority of which are canned goods. This article sheds some light on why a financial donation might be a better option, so this year consider joining us in making the switch.
- Pharrell Might Be The Most Sustainability-Focused Celeb In Fashion
- Pharell Williams, co-owner of G-Star Raw, has helped launch their line of sustainability-focused clothing, Raw For The Oceans. What does this mean for you? It means you can buy jeans made from recycled ocean plastic! Pair them with Adidas’ Uncaged Parleys and you’ll not only be doing something good for your wardrobe, you’ll be doing something great for the environment.
- This Christmas Sweater Is Guaranteed To Last 30 Years
- We wrote about Tom Cridland’s 30 year sweatshirt in a previous roundup. Now he’s expanded his line to include ugly Christmas sweaters that you won’t have to replace for 30 years. That means 30 years from now, you can win the ugly sweater Christmas party with the ugliest and oldest Christmas sweater.
- Nordstrom’s $85 Leather-Wrapped Rock Sold Out Online
- Got someone on your Christmas list who has everything? I bet they don’t have an $85 rock wrapped in leather! Or maybe they will, since it seems to have been so popular that it’s sold out at Nordstrom. Either Nordstrom is running a very clever marketing campaign, or commercialism has finally hit rock-bottom. (ahem)
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Weekly Link Roundup - December 12, 2016
City Waste Services
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City Waste Services
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