This week we’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is you may be getting a bigger rebate on an electric vehicle purchase if you live in Ontario. The bad? You’re probably eating plastic. Read on for more.
- Are We Eating Our Fleece Jackets? Microfibers Are Migrating Into Field And Food
- Did you know that each wash of any of your fleece jackets and pullovers releases thousands of microscopic plastic fibers, or microfibers into the environment? These fibers make up 85 percent of human debris on shorelines around the world. These microfibers are probably finding their way into seafood and you’re probably already eating them. Like inhaling dust in the air though, the question is at what point do the amounts ingested become harmful? Unfortunately there isn’t any clear information on this yet.
- Researchers Invent Paper That Can Be Printed With Light And Reused 80 Times
- “Researchers have invented a new type of ‘paper’ that can be printed with light and re-written up to 80 times. Their invention employs the color-changing chemistry of nanoparticles, which can be applied via a thin coating to a variety of surfaces – including conventional paper.”
- Ontario (Canada) Lifts Price Cap On EV Rebate
- Good news for the folks who are fans of the pricier electric vehicles like the Model S or Model X, at least locally; Ontario has lifted the price cap on its electric vehicle rebate program so those purchasing more expensive electric vehicles (up to 150k) will now recieve a heftier rebate.
- Remake: Join The Ethical Fashion Movement
- “Who makes your fashion? Is she working in unsafe conditions for little pay? When we know her story, we can remake our world.” A movement asking you to choose well when making your buying decisions to ensure ethical treatment of the people making your clothes.
- Recycling Won’t Fix The Fast Fashion Problem
- A thought provoking, if not extreme (“might as well stuff [old clothes] in the garbage”) article about preventing textile waste by making better buying decisions.
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Weekly Link Roundup - February 6, 2017
City Waste Services
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City Waste Services
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