How to Clean Your Garbage Can

How to Clean Your Garbage Can

It’s been an amazing summer here in Toronto hasn’t it? We’ve had more than our fair share of hot, humid days with very little rain. We hope you all have had the chance to enjoy enough backyard barbecues and lazy hazy Sunday afternoons on the patio. Our staff here at City Waste Services certainly have.

Unfortunately, the hot, humid Toronto summer has also left a trail of foul smelling green bins and garbage cans in its wake. All those wonderful barbecues with leftover food scraps and sticky, dripping marinades have found their way onto the sides of everyone’s trash containers at home.

At best, we’ve got garages full of the oh-so-wonderful summer scents of rotting garbage, and at worst, we’re cringing at the uninvited guests we find in our green bins when we open their lids. Some of us have even been seen running out of our garages halfway down our streets (no joke), but that’s probably a topic for another article and another blog.

If you’re using bleach, do NOT add any other detergent, cleaners or even vinegar into the water / bleach solution. You’ll create toxic fumes that are very dangerous.

Our trash containers at home have been so dirty that you wouldn’t want to touch them with a ten foot pole (like the junk in your basement that you need our garbage bin rentals for)! We’ve had to spend so much time cleaning and deodorizing our own trash containers that we picked up some things along the way and thought we’d share them with you. The noxious smells we experience walking down the street on garbage collection day (after the garbage has been picked up) tell us we’re not the only ones with the problem.

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