It’s the final week before Christmas and Hanukkah! Our favourite time of year, and also the busiest. We’ve dedicated a few links to the holiday season today as well as included a cool project featuring mermaids and plastic. Sound interesting? Read on for more!
- 10 Ways to Have a Green Christmas This Year
- The fact that we’re all dreaming of a white Christmas shouldn’t stop us from having a green one. A list of environmentally friendly ways to celebrate Christmas this year. We skipped the wrapping paper for many of our gifts this year and instead used gift boxes that were already printed.
- 5 Tips For a Green and Happy Hanukkah
- The festival of lights that comes once a year! More ways to stay green for those who celebrate Hanukkah.
- 11 Clever, Untraditional Ways People Have Wrapped Gifts This Holiday Season
- Most of these ways of wrapping are not only clever but also environmentally friendly. Skip the garbage bag option and have a look at the rest, and remember that #1 has an expiry date.
- Mermaids Hate Plastic
- Ben Von Wong brings fantasy and harsh reality together in his latest project called Mermaids Hate Plastic. Because plastic takes 450 years to decompose, virtually every piece of plastic created still exists. It’s estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish! Check out this project and sign the pledge if you want to help.
- Birds Are Becoming Totally Dependent On Our Delicious Landfills
- The worldwide food waste crisis that we’ve previously written about has created another problem for the environment; some species of birds have become dependent on the food they find there. Junk food must be just as addictive even as waste. In the case of the white storks in Spain and Portugal, they love the food so much that they have stopped migrating south for the winter.
Have a safe and happy holiday season everyone, from our family at City Waste Services to you and yours!
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Weekly Link Roundup - December 19th, 2016
City Waste Services
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City Waste Services
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