City Waste Services

Weekly Link Roundup – November 7, 2016

Weekly Link Roundup - November 7, 2016

Did you all remember to set your clocks back this weekend? It’s so much harder to forget now that we’ve all got phones that automatically update themselves.

Boy, could I tell you funny stories about the times when we had to adjust our clocks ourselves and forgot. Back when we had to walk 100 miles to school in the snow, over mountains and valleys, and well, you get the idea. I’m sure you’d much rather get to this week’s link love though, so let’s get to it and save the trip down memory lane for another time.

And that’s a wrap for another week. Thanks for reading!

Check back later this week for part 2 of our series on kitchen organization, and remember to  follow us on Facebook or Twitter for regular updates!

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Weekly Link Roundup - November 7, 2016
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City Waste Services
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